Example usage in Google Colab with Pyomo
Example usage in Jupyter Notebook with Pyomo
Example usage in AMPL with local installation
Let's take an example of an optimization problem:
Maximize 5.5x1 + 2.1x2
Subject to:
-x1 + x2 <= 2
8x1 + 2x2 <= 17
x1, x2 are integers
!rm -f minotaur-0.4.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
!wget -nc https://www.ieor.iitb.ac.in/files/faculty/amahajan/minotaur/bin/minotaur-0.4.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
!tar -zxf minotaur-0.4.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
!rm -f mbin
!ln -s minotaur-0.4.1-linux-x86_64/bin mbin
If you prefer to use the latest nightly (unstable) version of Minotaur, use the following commands instead:
!rm -f minotaur-nightly.tar.gz
!wget -nc https://www.ieor.iitb.ac.in/files/faculty/amahajan/minotaur/bin/minotaur-nightly.tar.gz
!tar -zxf minotaur-nightly.tar.gz
!rm -f mbin
!ln -s minotaur-nightly mbin
Install the Pyomo package using pip:
!pip install -q pyomo
Here's how you can create this model in Pyomo:
from pyomo.environ import *
model = ConcreteModel()
model.x1 = Var(within=Integers)
model.x2 = Var(within=Integers)
model.obj = Objective(expr=5.5*model.x1 + 2.1*model.x2, sense=maximize)
model.con1 = Constraint(expr=-model.x1 + model.x2 <= 2)
model.con2 = Constraint(expr=8*model.x1 + 2*model.x2 <= 17)
Use one of Minotaur's solvers (mbnb, mqg, mglob, mmultistart) to solve the model. Here, we use the 'mglob' solver:
mntr = SolverFactory("mglob", executable='/content/mbin/mglob')
mntr.options['--log_level'] = 2
mntr.options['--time_limit'] = 60
mntr.options['--qp_engine'] = 'None'
mntr.options['--nlp_engine'] = 'IPOPT'
# Set tee to True if you want to see solver output
result = mntr.solve(model, tee=False)
After solving the model, you can view the results with the following commands:
print("Solver termination status:", result.solver.status)
print("Solver termination condition:", result.solver.termination_condition)
print("Best solution value:", model.obj())
print("Best bound: ", result.problem.lower_bound)
print("Solver time:", result.solver.time)
# First, download and extract Minotaur binaries
!wget -nc https://www.ieor.iitb.ac.in/files/faculty/amahajan/minotaur/bin/minotaur-0.4.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
!tar -zxf minotaur-0.4.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
!ln -s minotaur-0.4.1-linux-x86_64/bin mbin
# Install Pyomo
!pip install -q pyomo
from pyomo.environ import *
model = ConcreteModel()
model.x1 = Var(within=Integers)
model.x2 = Var(within=Integers)
model.obj = Objective(expr=5.5*model.x1 + 2.1*model.x2, sense=maximize)
model.con1 = Constraint(expr=-model.x1 + model.x2 <= 2)
model.con2 = Constraint(expr=8*model.x1 + 2*model.x2 <= 17)
mntr = SolverFactory("mglob", executable='./mbin/mglob')
mntr.options['--log_level'] = 2
mntr.options['--time_limit'] = 60
#mntr.options['--qp_engine'] = 'None'
#mntr.options['--nlp_engine'] = 'IPOPT'
result = mntr.solve(model, tee=True)
View the results:
print("Solver termination status:", result.solver.status)
print("Solver termination condition:", result.solver.termination_condition)
print("Best solution value:", model.obj())
print("Best bound: ", result.problem.lower_bound)
print("Solver time:", result.solver.time)
To use Minotaur with AMPL, follow the steps below:
First, ensure you have Minotaur and AMPL installed on your system. If minotaur not installed then download precompiled binaries from download section according to your machine.
Extract the download tar/zip, Open the extracted folder and navigate to bin folder.
Copy the four binaries/executables from bin folder to main Ampl folder that conatins other executables.
Create an optimization model in AMPL:
# AMPL Model (example.mod)
var x1 integer;
var x2 integer;
maximize obj: 5.5*x1 + 2.1*x2;
subject to con1: -x1 + x2 <= 2;
subject to con2: 8*x1 + 2*x2 <= 17;
display x1, x2, obj;
Then, use the following AMPL commands to set up and solve the model with Minotaur:
# AMPL Commands here we are using mglob solver
model example.mod;
#If minotaur already downloaded in your system then use following command
option solver "/path/to/minotaur/build/bin/mglob";
#If binaries/executables are in Ampl main folder
option solver mglob
#To solve the problem
#To see output
display x1, x2, obj;
Replace /path/to/minotaur/build/bin/mglob
with the actual path to your Minotaur executable.